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Becontext – Inline Ads – Pay Per Click

What is Inline Ads?

In-line Text ads are text links that appear within the text of your content. The links are targeted to keywords that the advertiser inserts on the database. The Advertiser then chooses relevant categories on what type of sites they wish to have their In Line Ads appear on. When a user mouses over the keyword, a small pop up window will appear giving a brief description of that advert. The pop up window is also directly linked to the advertisers website.

Why Inline Ads?

Due to Inline Ads’ focus on content, your website audience is able to relate their findings to your ads. Each click on your text link’s banner results in revenue for you. Therefore, In-line Text Ads usually have good CTR as they appear to be in content links.

In-Text Advertising is also a space saver! Content Rich websites are key for increasing the number of visitors – but sometimes space on these websites can be limited. To maximize the earning of your website without removing any interesting content, you may utilize our space-efficient inline text link ads.

Inline Ads Affiliate Program

A division of Yesup Ecommerce Solutions,  is a leading provider of In-Text contextual advertising and information services based on patent-pending technology that maximizes relevancy and yield for online advertisers, publishers, and users.

For advertiser, with over 50,000 businesses for sale and over 8 million page views per month becontext integrated in-line text advertising is a powerful way to reach active business buyers and expanding business owners. Inventory is limited to just 3 messages per page ensuring maximum exposure.

For publisher, each time your website visitors click on an In-Text ad, you get paid. Publishers can get paid 60% of advertising revenues generated by the website. The actual rates may vary depending on the website performance and market conditions. Geographic location of your overall traffic levels can also play a part in determining your overall revenue potential.


How does Inline Text Ads work?

Our Contextual technology identifies the content of your website within our advertising network and matches only relevant ads to your pages. We manually and automatically review, manage and optimize to ensure ads are properly delivered.

With Contextual Technology, our Publishers are able to give their users useful information and turn a profit, while the end user finds a service or product they need. has represented this technology well and has proven convenient for readers to learn more about a related product from a keyword they come across while reading through site content.

inline ads

Becontext Publisher Specification:

Becontext will not work with websites that contain, promote or link directly to certain types of content. This includes but is not limited to:

* Violent content, racial intolerance, defamatory, libelous, threatening or other material that advocates against any individual or organization
* Pornography and adult-orientated content
* Illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia
* Excessive vulgar, profane or obscene language
* Gambling content
* Promotion of weapons or ammunition (e.g., firearms, fighting knives, stun guns)
* Any other content that is illegal, promotes illegal activity, or infringes on the legal rights of others

Websites may not display Becontext advertisements on pages with content protected by copyright law unless they have the necessary legal rights to display that content.

Maximize Your Earnings

All new ads are reviewed by a highly trained staff member before ever going live in our system. Anything that escapes our expert staff is typically caught by the extensive monitoring system we have in place. Using advanced algorithmic searches, our system scans ads for malicious behavior, drive by downloads or file exploits (intentional and unintentional). Our goal is to place a relevant advertisement before each of the impressions you send our way, globally, and without exceptions. We’ll serve premium campaigns for premium unique impressions, and then best match creatives for the rest of your traffic, without dropping Public Service Announcements or default ads on top of the inventory we can’t handle – not that there is such a thing. Our CPM rates are real, for real-life situations such as your daily traffic. They combine CPM and CPA / CPC campaigns, assigned automatically by our system to best match your traffic’s responses.

Join Us Today!

Category: How To Monetize Your Web Site? | Added by: ross23456 (12.02.2011)
Views: 559 | Rating: 0.0/0
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