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How To Make Money From Free Music

How To Make Money From Free Music

Are you sick of giving out your music for nothing in return? Wondering how you're ever going to turn your music into a money making career? Wish that uphill struggle would get that bit easier?

We know how you feel. Due to downloading, making money from your songs is becoming a harder and harder task by the day. But wait, what if you could use people's downloading habits to your advantage? How would you feel if you could:

  • Make money every time fans download your music music for free
  • Not charge your fans a single penny to download your music, making the 'easy sale'
  • Learn strategies to further increase how many people download your music. More downloads means more money!
  • Learn how to drive more potential fans to your money pages
  • Monetize your music career while everyone else gives out their music free for no real reason
  • Put your money making largely on auto pilot. Simply record new songs and give them out to customers to get paid. Once you have promoted your music enough, a lot of the promotion gets done on auto pilot.

The reality for the modern day musician is this; Whether you sell or give out your music for free, you often don't end up making much money from your music. In fact, you probably end up in a loss after you take in to account studio costs and travel to and from your recording location. Some people have tried to give out a mass of music for free in the hope people will be kind enough to buy their paid items. Others have refused to give out freebies and instead continued to try and sell music without giving out any type of free sample.

In reality, neither of these methods work that well for the average musician. When it comes to giving out your music for free, even if people end up liking your music, most of them will be too used to getting the free download. Therefore when you ask them to buy your music, most of them won't. On the other hand, you can't expect people to buy your music when they haven't even heard you properly before. And even if they have heard your music, music sales are ever decreasing, so trying to make a sale is a uphill struggle.

As you can see, neither of these methods are particularly effective for the average musician. But what if there was an in-between method where you could give out your music with no cost to the fans, but still get compensated for every time someone downloads your music? Sound too good to be true? Let me tell you now, it's not! And what's more, I'm going to tell you what this middle ground is and how it can change the way you present your music to fans forever!

A Bit About Me

Hi my name's Shaun, and I've been working in the music industry in different capacities for a number of years. A good few years ago I saw the music industry take a huge turn for the worse, the downloading era had begun. The before and after effects have been nothing less then devastating, with musicians all over the world losing control of the sharing rights of their music. While the music industry has changed however, the way many musicians approach the industry hasn't. A lack of business knowledge has meant that a lot of people just give out music by the bucket load without any real way of getting paid.

How I Came Along This Method

While music is one of the big loves of my life, I also enjoy working on websites, and have a number of them which I'm always looking to monetize in new ways. While I was working on one of my websites, I came across a monetization strategy that would be perfect for the music industry. To my surprise though, it seemed no one in the industry was using it. This is a proven method that makes people in other industries thousands a month, but the music crowd simply hasn't caught on.

Always ready to help the independent musician, I quickly went to work on putting together a guide on how to use this method to make more money from your music career. This guide ended up being:

"How To Make Money From Free Music

how to make money from free music
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Category: How To Make Money Online! | Added by: ross23456 (11.04.2011)
Views: 661 | Tags: Make, to, free, FROM, how, music, Money | Rating: 0.0/0
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