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Make money With TwtBuck on Twiter.


How Twitter User earns money on Twtbuck?

Making money from Twitter was never this easy before, check out the simple 4 step process to earn money from your twitter account as follows :

  • Login with you twitter account
  • If you are using twtbuck for first time, a new account will be formed and you will be required to submit your PAYPAL EMAIL ID in payments section of your publisher account
  • Update your twitter status from TwtBuck publisher profile page
  • If your status update consists of keyword selected by any of our advertisers, our system will show you an option to publish an ad tweet on your account related to your previously published twitter status (the one you just did from twtbuck).If you accepts it, you earn money equivalent to your tweet worth (Calculate your tweet worth).Simple is that.
  • How Twtbuck Works?

    Twtbuck is single stop platform to publish keyword targeted ads as tweets with customized CPT i.e. Cost per Tweet and 140 character ad copy.

    Steps Involved :

    1. A publisher log in Twtbuck with Twitter account.

    2. Publisher's twitter account is evaluated by an automatic algorithm and a price per tweet is set for his/her account.

    3. The advertiser creates a campaign by paying a minimum of $5 through paypal account . He/She creates an ad copy i.e. Tweet to post on publisher's account, sets maximum cost per tweet and keywords/categories for this ad copy.For example : His tweet ad copy is "Buy cheap phones from my store at" with keywords "mobile phones, phones, cell phones, [mobile company name]".

    4. When publisher updates his/her twitter status from twtbuck platform , and if the update contains any of the keywords defined by the advertisers , the advertiser's ad copy is also published in publisher's twitter account as status update.

    5. This way, advertiser spreads his/her brand without any hassle and in miminum possible cost and the publisher gets money for updating his/her twitter status.
Category: How To Monetize Your Web Site? | Added by: ross23456 (10.02.2011)
Views: 614 | Rating: 0.0/0
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